Wordle #552 Clues, Hints and Answer for Friday, December 23 Game


Happy Christmas Eve Eve! We’re nearly at the big day and the elves at Wordle have released another puzzle for us to enjoy.

Wordle was invented during coronavirus lockdown by Josh Wardle, a New York software engineer, as a game “for me and my partner to enjoy.”

After being released to the public in October 2021 the game quickly became a viral sensation, which the New York Times purchased in January 2022 for an undisclosed seven-figure fee.

Wordle hints for Friday 23 December 2022
The word game “Wordle” is shown on a mobile phone on January 12, 2022 in Houston, Texas. Newsweek has some hints and tips to help you solve today’s puzzle.
Brandon Bell/GETTY

speaking to Newsweek Erhan Aslan, an associate professor of applied linguistics at the University of Reading in the UK, gave some tips on playing the game.

He said: “One thing that I think is important in this game is the starting word chosen. Starting off with words that include commonly used vowels (eg, e, a), consonants (eg, r, t) and sound sequences might be helpful.Choosing a word that starts with q, z, j, or x, for example, may not be the best choice.

“As you get more feedback after a few guesses, users need to draw on some knowledge of phonics to narrow down or eliminate some words that they might be thinking. For example, if the second letter of the target word is L (indicated by green ) and the player feels that the word starts with a consonant, they will need to know that there are only a few consonant cluster possibilities (eg, bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl).”

The answer to today’s puzzle will be revealed at the end of this article, so scroll down with caution if you want to work it out for yourself. To help you solve today’s Wordle, Newsweek has provided some hints and tips on the latest games.

‘Wordle’ #552 Tips and Clues for Friday, December 23

Wordle players can use these five tips to solve puzzle #552.

Hint #1: There are three vowels (it is nearly Christmas after all).

Hint #2: The first, second and fifth letters are vowels.

Hint #3: The first and fifth letters are the same.

Hint #4: It’s not a commonly used word, at least in general conversation.

Hint #5: It’s related to blood.

‘Wordle’ #552 Answer for Friday, December 23

The answer to today’s Wordle is “aortic.”

Wow—that was a tough one! And by tough, of course, I mean it’s a word I don’t know, and am hoping my ignorance isn’t too unique. An unusual medical term, though those familiar with it will have been helped by the three common vowels. Did you get it? If so, congratulations! But don’t worry if not, I’m grateful for you making me feel better. Either way, hope to see you again tomorrow for another round of Wordle hints and tips.

What Does ‘Aorta’ Mean?

the Cambridge University Dictionary defines “aorta” as “the main artery that takes blood to the other parts of the body.”

For example: “The ascending aorta was also enlarged, measuring 28 mm.”

The next Wordle puzzles will be available at 7 pm ET, when the daily update occurs.